
In preparation for SOGo v2.1, which will happen in a few weeks, we would appreciate if you could give a try to the upcoming nightly builds.

Here are the changes right now since 2.0.7:

 - Added SMTP AUTH support for sogo-ealarms-notify
 - Added support for LDAP password change against AD/Samba4
 - Added apache configuration for Apple autoconfiguration (#2248)
 - The init scripts now start 3 sogod processes by default instead of 1
* - SOGo now also sends a plain/text parts when sending HTML mails (#2217)*
 - SOGo now listens on by default (instead of *:20000)
* - SOGo new uses the latest WebDAV sync response type (#1275)*

Bug fixes
 - Fixed Finnish mail reply/forward templates (#2401)
 - Fixed position of red line of current time (#2373)
 - Removed HTML encoding in subjects of invitations (#2402)
 - Disabled verbose logging of smtp sessions by default
 - Fixed high CPU usage when there are no available child processes
   Added logging when such a condition occurs
 - Fixed crash in dav f/b lookups when using SQL addressbooks (#2418)
- Fixed memory consumption issues when doing dav lookups with huge result set
 - Fixed S/MIME verification issues with certain OpenSSL versions
 - Worked around an issue with chunked encoding of CAS replies (#2408)
- Avoid crash when handling malformed or non-ASCII http credentials (#2358)
 - Fixed crontab error (#2372)
- Fixed OpenChange corruption issue regarding predecessors change list (#2405)
 - Avoid using too many LDAP connections while looping through ldap results
* - Avoid unnecessary UTF-7 conversions (#2318)*

While all of the above would need testing, the items in bold have the most impact.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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