SOGo + Funambol always double my calendar.
I couldn't find any solution to avoid the doubled items.
Have you tried to move your Funambol to a new machine(test system recovery)?
if so, 80% you will double you calendar.

I use sogo-tool to export my calendar, and I can see some items repeated 10 times!!! weird! *It looks like nobody can fix this problem.* Any *sync* professionals can fix this? hope so.

I'm still testing SOGo + Funambol(only 2-3 people use it). I don't want push it due to the doubled calendar.

If you have any suggestion to avoid doubled calendar, please post it, thanks.


On 11/18/2013 11:31 AM, Rasca Gmelch wrote:

it looks like the bug described in bug 1853
is back - or still there. When I try to import an event
(as an ICS file) twice it seems it ignores the
UID line in the ICS file and creates the event two

Is this a know bug? In bug 1853 it is described
as closed.

PS: I wanted to register for the bug tracking
system but it looks like they don't use HTTPS!
So I didn't type in any password. I'm still logged
in (because I clicked on the link in the registration
mail) but I don't see an option to delete my account!
Any help?



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