Hi all,
after the shell change for user sogo, from /bin/bash to /sbin/nologin my expire-autoreply vacation script stop working.

0 0 * * *      sogo    /usr/sbin/sogo-tool expire-autoreply sogo:wi***

I wrote this month ago, as suggested in documentation and sogo package

I try with this (like an email suggest me)
sudo -u sogo /usr/sbin/sogo-tool expire-autoreply -p /var/lib/sogo/credentials

but i obtain this error:

2014-01-23 00:05:42.282 sogo-tool[9279] Could not login 'alessio' on Sieve server: <0x0x8fb34d4[NGSieveClient]: socket=<NGActiveSocket[0x0x8fb7e04]: mode=rw address=<0x0x8fb92d4[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=localhost port=57430> connectedTo=<0x0x8fb57ec[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=localhost port=4190>>>: (null) 2014-01-23 00:05:42.287 sogo-tool[9279] An error occured while removing auto-reply of user alessio

alessio is the user with vacation activated
Can you explain how change script please? If i should change
I should use sudo, how can i use sudo into cron?

Alessio Fattorini

Nethesis srl - Pesaro (Italy)

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