Acl from imap doesn t depends on sogo but depends of your imap server. 

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-------- Message d'origine --------
De : VANOSTA Vincent <> 
Date : 17/02/2014  1:28  (GMT+01:00) 
A : 
Objet : Re: [SOGo] acls for imap folders based on ldap group membership 

sorry I can't give you a clue about your question, but reading it I was 
thinking it could be usefull for us too !

How did you achieve to make the correspondance of ldap group membership with 
calendars and adressbooks rights ?

Hard-coding it ? , with a tool ? , a SOGo native configuration ?

Have a nice day,


Le 16/02/14 13:51, bp a écrit :

 I'm trying to get SOGo working with managing access to shared things
(calendars, addressbooks and imapfolders) based on ldap group membership.
I got it running for calendars and addressbooks but not for imap folders.
The problem seems to be the prefix for acls used to distinguish users from
The group acls set via SOGo are prefixed with "$" but the cyrus imapd expects
the prefex "group:".
So cals set from SOGo are ineffective and acls set via cyradm work, but cannot
be maintained via SOGo.

Any idea ?


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