On 2014-04-14, 10:05 AM, Louis-Philippe wrote:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_imap -p 143 -H 10.10.XXX.XXX <> IMAP OK -*5.020 second response time on port 143* [* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE STARTTLS AUTH=PLAIN SASL-IR] server ready]|time=5.019966s;;;0.000000;10.000000

Make sure you aren't running out of Cyrus child - otherwise the master process will wait until one frees up.

Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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