Il 04/06/2014 19:19, Ludovic Marcotte ha scritto:
On 2014-06-04, 1:08 PM, Albert Shih wrote:
Because many of my users don't take a close look about what is on the
screen, and sooner or later we going to have a big problem (sending private
document to mailing-list/etc.)
Note that for this to happen, the message in the draft folder must of course have an attachment. Moreover and more importantly, it must have the same unique message identifier (IMAP UID) as the message in the folder where the reply has been initiated. These two combined made this bug unnoticed for more than 3 years.

sorry, what it means "we no longer try to include attachments when replying to a mail", in the commit "Don't try to add attachments during reply operations" ? I tried to look at the code, but...

[Ai sensi e per  gli  effetti della Legge sulla tutela della privacy
(L. 196/2003), questa  mail  รจ destinata unicamente alle persone sopra
indicate e le informazioni in essa contenute sono da considerarsi
strettamente riservate. E' proibito leggere, copiare, usare o
diffondere il contenuto della presente mail senza autorizzazione.
Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per errore, siete pregati di
rispedire la stessa al mittente. Grazie]

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