Still trying to nail this down.

Question: for setups where the mysql server is on a different system (but still on the local network), what is the recommended setting in mysqld for 'skip-name-resolve'?

I'm thinking that, if 2.2.5 does use more connections as someone else said, maybe this problem is being caused by lots of client connections from outside from clients with poor reverse DNS resolution, because I do (and always have) seen lots of these kinds of warnings from phone based clients:

warning: hostname does not resolve to address Name or service not known

So... maybe granting the required privileges to my sogo server's IP address, and enabling 'skip-name-resolve' on the mysql server would resolve this issue?

I have already tried increasing max_connections from 151 (which is what it was set to before) to 300, but am still having the occasional 'lost connection' error.

I need to get this resolved, because yesterday evening I actually had my mysql server start refusing connections from my sogo server with:

ERROR: could not open MySQL4 connection to database 'sogo': Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'


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