Do you have an LDAP Server, Microsoft AD or Samba 4 installation?

My understanding is that Outlook connectivity via OpenChange does not work without Samba 4


On 07/03/2014 07:45 AM, Rob Kemp wrote:
Hi. I've got SOGo working well on a Debian Wheezy virtual server with Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL and nginx. I was trying to add Outlook interoperability, so I installed the Openchange packages a couple of days ago and started working through the various configuration procedures in the manual.

It now seems that Postfix developed an issue more or less at the same time as I installed Openchange. From that point on, incoming emails were regularly being turned away with a message saying "Service unavailable - try again later".

I reversed all the configuration I'd done, but it was only after uninstalling the Openchange packages that the problem seemed to go away.

Has anyone seen this issue, or does anyone have a theory about how it might arise? And how to avoid it??

I do realise that the connection I've made between installing those packages and having Postfix problems could be spurious.

Thanks in advance



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