
First my setup:
System Ubuntu 14 64bit
Sogo V 2.2.9a-1
Authentification via Samba
Database is mySQL
mail: postfix/dovecot

after upgrading my system to trusty I had to reinstall samba and to setup the
user profiles in Samba again. Since then i have strange effects:

- it takes several seconds until mails are shown, but it works correctly - has
been much faster before

- Appointments are not shown. In log there is the error message
[ERROR] <0x1D34C638[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:personal> (-[SOGoAppointmentFolder
missing folder for fetch!
I already take a look at table sogo_folder_info . It looks fine and the table
which is in c_location looks also fine and contains the data I am awaiting to

- Contacts are not shown either. There are no relating messages but I think
that this is the same topic as for the appointments

Does anybody has an idea or can give me an hint where I have to look?

Best Regards

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