Good Morning!

I'd think the first questions would be --

(1) What operating system are you using?
(2) Why are you compiling your own instead of using binaries?

All the major Linux distros contain packages for the items you specify below.

SOGo is Groupware that works with database, LDAP (including Samba), SMTP & IMAP servers.

See the prerequisites on pg. 5 in the Installation Guide --

On 01/08/2015 04:11 AM, wrote:
I am a newbie about SOGo, so the question may be quite direct..

As I am following the steps in the below link:

I cannot find the components of:
the GNU Objective-C compiler (gcc-objc)
the libxml2 development headers
the OpenSSL development headers
the OpenLDAP development headers
the PostgreSQL development headers
the libmemcached development headers
the libcurl development headers

And also cannot find the SOPE sources in /tmp/SOPE and the SOGo sources in /

Did I missing any steps or the above can be skip?
Also, I find an article that mention:
"SOGo is not a mailserver. SOGo just an groupware extension for _any_
mailserver backend.
So, the question is not the antivirus and antispam for SOGo. The question is
antivirus and antispam for mailserver."
Is it true..?
Thank you for all professionals..


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