On 06/02/15 18:09, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
EAS clients clients will keep HTTP connections open

Thanks Ludovic for listening to our lack of knowledge about ActiveSync and helping us all by sharing yours. There's one minor typo at the beginning of paragraph five, which might be worth correcting before publication; "EAS clients clients will keep HTTP connections open". I will put the suggestions into action on Monday and see how they go...

The main issue preventing me moving over to ActiveSync on a Nexus 5 (stock Android 5 with GMail as the ActiveSync mail client) is the handling of plain text messages. They are rendered in a variable pitch font with all the body text on a single line, which makes large messages (like daily LogWatch run against our servers) unreadable. There is a bug (3055) open for this. Any ideas if a fix might make it into 2.2.16 as the bug has been very quiet so far?

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