Hi Chris,

Yes, this could be a good idea to implement more stuff like Virtualmin. I'm
actually not friendly with this tool, and usually prefer the command
interface to configure my server, Webmin like tool could break your
configuration file.
I will have a look in this tool as it could let the IT do configure some
server stuff more easily than the command prompt, thanks for the suggestion.


2015-02-13 21:03 GMT+01:00 Chris Coleman <ch...@espacenetworks.com>:

> Olivier,
> Very fun tutorial! Thanks for sharing that.
> Read through it and it's stimulated a thought on an existing Virtualmin
> server.
> What would be the difficulty level to create a modified version of your
> tutorial, to install Samba4, OpenChange, Sogo, smoothly onto a running
> Debian 7 wheezy which is managed by Virtualmin.  Existing users are in
> OpenLDAP "users and groups".  Existing user mailboxes in Dovecot.  Existing
> config of Apache (websites).  Nginx (SSL proxy for Apache sites), MySQL
> (some sites), PostgreSQL (some sites), Bind9 (dns for all sites),
> Postfix... ?
> The goal is to add on these groupware features to the existing IMAP email
> users, by adding Samba4, OpenChange and Sogo.  Calendar sharing, Free/busy,
> Contact list sharing, Tasks, Inbox sharing controlled by ACL for read/write.
> Congrats again on the tuto.
> Chris C.
> On 2/13/2015 8:53 AM, Olivier Bitsch wrote:
>> Dear SOGo users,
>> After long time without any update, I finally manage to update my
>> tutorial regarding the installation of Samba4, OpenChange and Sogo. We
>> still having a lot of visits on our website, so we cannot imagine to let
>> the tutorial outdated.
>> As reminder, the tutorial page link is:
>> http://iabsis.com/en/community/tuto/openchange-samba4-debian
>> Please let me a comment in my mail, or you can ask any question on our
>> new forum.
>> I hope we will take fun to read my tutorial.
>> Have a nice weekend.
>> Regards
>> Olivier B.
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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