Am 2015-02-26 um 12:04 schrieb derick.ag...@admitbenin.com:
> Hi all,
> I'm newbie on SOGo. I start working in a company as IT Assistant since a few
> weeks. The network consist of an MS Active Directory server for user
> authentication and Debian Linux server for mailing and groupeware Platform
> using SOGo. All the servers are already installed before I came and the last
> IT Assistant don't let any documents and informations after the admin and root
> credentials.
> I have as one of my duties to manage the SOGo server and Platform. I need to
> create new users for the company but all the documents and informations I read
> about SOGo don't give me real informations about how to proceed. I'm searching
> since a week now to create those users account. I found an official docs that
> ask me to create the users on AD server and to configure them on SOGo but it's
> not working. I also don't knwo how the mail are managed? Are they managed on
> SOGo or in Postfix?
> Please help...

Seems you have no experience as an system admin at all, not only with SOGo.
(No offence here, just a statement)

First you have to look at the actual configuration.
Where you can find the one for SOGo is dependent from your version of SOGo.
Pre 2.0.5 it is in GNUstep, afterwards it is in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf.
The GNUstep one can be queried with
/usr/sbin/sogo-tool dump-defaults
If the result is empty, then teh configuration is in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
(Be sure to not have it in both!)

In there you find the authentication source definition of SOGo in
It tells you where your users should be.

Postboxes are neither managed in SOGo nor in postfix.
SOGo is an IMAP capable email client.
Postfix is an SMTP server, which distributes emails between servers.
What you search for is an IMAP server. He stores all emails for your
Which one you use, is up to you (or your predecessor).
Check "SOGoIMAPServer".

Try to understand your setup first.

Then you can ask again, and provide us with infos like
* Which version of SOGo do you use?
* Do you use native Outlook compatibility (openchange)?
* Do you have SOGo users in AD, LDAP or a database?
* Which settings do you use?
* Which IMAP server do you use (cyrus, dovecot ...)?

If this is beyond your abilities or you don't have the time to learn,
you should get paid support from invers.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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