
I think this is actually linked to the recent mariadb upgrade, not because of 
mariadb-server, but because of mariadb-libs ie the client side.

Here is where it fails (there is a "could not allocate MySQL4 connection" error 
in the logs) :


mysql_init() is just doing some client-side initialization (such as setting up 
threads on so on), which fails.
No actual connection attempt has been done yet ! This is done at a later stage 
by mysql_real_connect().

So here is the list of workarounds that can be ruled out :
- This is not related to credentials or privileges or actual database content 
(we have not even tried to connect to the mysql server at this stage)
- Changing the server to older/newer mariadb or even mysql cannot help with 
this issue (same reason than above)

The only thing that could actually be tried is to downgrade mariadb-libs to 
5.5.35 which is the client sogo uses.


Le Jeudi 9 Avril 2015 16:28 CEST, Alessandro Briosi <a...@metalit.com> a écrit:

> Il 09/04/2015 15:03, Jeroen Beerstra ha scritto:
> > The only thing I haven't tried is mysql, postgresql and mariadb both have 
> > the same problem. So I don't think it's related to changes in recent mariadb
> Just a wild guess here (or a long shot if you prefere :P ).
> Could it be that the name resolution is not pointing to the correct
> host, or that the daemons for some reason are listening only on
> localhost ( so the connection fails?
> Have you tried with the host IP?
> Ciao.
> Alessandro
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists


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