
I posted already about this issue and got no reply. I repost as I gathered
more information.

Exporting as .ucs is painfully slow. It can take more than 30s. I ruled 
out any problem with Apache and MySQL:

1) No problem in Apache, as the problem happens if I ask SOGo directly:
$ ICS="/SOGo/dav/user/Calendar/3E8-50B38880-F-6B8B4580.ics"
$ time wget http://sogo-anonymous:@localhost:20000${ICS}
Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:20000... failed: Connection refused.
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:20000... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Authorization Required
Authentication selected: basic realm="SOGo"
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:20000... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1014850 (991K) [text/calendar]
Saving to: '3E8-50B38880-F-6B8B4580.ics.3'

3E8-50B38880-F-6B8B 100%[=====================>] 991.06K  --.-KB/s   in 0.05s  

2015-06-30 09:11:15 (19.9 MB/s) - '3E8-50B38880-F-6B8B4580.ics.3' saved 

   50.48s real     0.00s user     0.04s system

2) No problem with MySQL. I enabled the slow query log, and mysqldumpslow
tells me no query took more than 0.25s. Therefore adding an index will not

Count: 1  Time=0.25s (0s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=1559.0 (1559)
  SELECT b.c_name,b.c_version,b.c_lastmodified,b.c_creationdate,
  FROM sogouser00636dbde13_quick a, sogouser00636dbde13 b WHERE
  (c_classification = N) AND a.c_name = b.c_name AND (c_deleted !=
  N OR c_deleted IS NULL)

Count: 1  Time=0.03s (0s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=1803.0 (1803),
  SELECT c_lastmodified FROM sogouser00636dbde13 ORDER BY c_lastmodified

Count: 6  Time=0.00s (0s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=1.0 (6),
  SELECT c_folder_id, c_path, c_location, c_quick_location,
  c_acl_location, c_folder_type FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path1
  = 'S' AND c_path2 = 'S' AND c_path3 = 'S' AND c_path4 = 'S'

Count: 5  Time=0.00s (0s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=3.0 (15),
  SELECT c_path4 FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path2 = 'S' AND
  c_folder_type = 'S'

Count: 1  Time=0.00s (0s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=1.0 (1),
  SELECT c_uid, c_object, c_role FROM sogoedreyfus0011f18833d_acl
  WHERE (c_object = 'S') AND ((c_uid = 'S') OR (c_uid LIKE 'S'))

Therefore the problem is really inside SOGo. Peeking at the source, 
it is said that SOGo has to parse the .ics output from the database.
Could that be the problem? Is there a way to speed it up?

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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