
Am 16.07.2015 um 13:38 Uhr schrieb Christian Mack:
Sorry for the late answer
No worries. :)

If you want invitations per email, you have to set
SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES
that's what we did.

Thunderbird/Lightning does not always ask this "Outlook compatible
invitation" question.
If it does, you should always deny that.
That is especially important, as these invitation emails send from
Thunderbird/Lightning are utterly broken (even the developers say so!).
Therefore they can break your invitation completely.
This is known, and they should be disabled by default on new installations.
I second that!

I also have users with that problem.
There was a setting in older versions of Thunderbird, to disable these
This setting is no longer there.
Perhaps there is a setting in about:config to do so, but I do not know it.

If you find, how to disable these, please give us feedback.
I will.

Does anyone else know, how to disable this in Lightning?


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