On 07/28/2015 07:25 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:
On 07/28/2015 03:49 AM, Rowland Penny wrote:

*update* --

I made the corrections to 'ocsmanager.ini' noted above to no avail.

IMO the 'dcerpc' calls in 'smb.conf' are shutting down Samba services.

    ### Configuration required by OpenChange server ###
    #dsb:shema update allowed = true

You have a typo, it should be 'dsb:schema update allowed = true'

    #dcerpc endpoint servers = +epmapper, +mapiproxy

Not sure you need '+epmapper' , I think if you run:

samba-tool testparm -v | grep 'dcerpc endpoint servers'

You will need to press enter twice, the result should show just what servers are running now (of course you need to run the test with the openchange lines commented out)


thx, I'll give that a try

Rowland is *right* about not needing '+epmapper' when running 'samba-ad-dc'

It's already part of Samba Active Directory and not required in the 'smb.conf'

I've made the other change and will test the fix after hours.  Thx.


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