Hi all!

I'm trying to send emails from the web interface of SOGo. With other
mail clients like Thunderbird I had no problems with SMTP sending but
with SOGo I get an error like this:

Jul 30 11:58:02 sogod [13783]: 0x0x7f390adab858[SOGoMailer] error with
recipient 'u...@otherdomain.com'

When increase the debug level on SOGo log I see the following:

C: connect to 0x0x7f5a7656a688[NGInternetSocketAddress]
host=mail.everywattmatters.com not-filled>
S: <SMTP-Reply: code=220 line='s18491687.onlinehome-server.com ESMTP
MailEnable Service, Version: 8.50-- ready at 08/02/15 08:49:22'>
C: EHLO s18513723.onlinehome-server.com
S: <SMTP-Reply: code=250 line='AUTH=LOGIN'>
S: size extension supported.
S: help extension supported.
C: MAIL FROM:<dbare...@domain.com>
C: RCPT TO:<u...@otherdomain.com>
Aug 02 08:49:22 sogod [24840]: 0x0x7f5a76433f58[SOGoMailer] error with
recipient 'u...@otherdomain.com'
S: <SMTP-Reply: code=221 line='Service closing transmission channel'>
Aug 02 08:49:22 sogod [24840]:, "POST
HTTP/1.1" 200 84/248 1.208 - - -8K

Here we can see that the method used is AUTH=LOGIN. From what I read,
SOGo currently only supports PLAIN method, but I would like to confirm
if the error may be due to this.

From the side of the mail server (Windows / MailEnable), I see something
like the following:

RCPT TO:<u...@otherdomain.com>
503 This mail server requires authentication when attemption to send to
a non-local e-mail address.
Please check your mail client settings or contact your administrator to
verify that the domain or address is defined for this server.

Note: I'm also getting this message when trying to make a delivery to
users with the same domain of the sender.

Is there any way to accomplish authentication when send email from SOGo?

Perhaps an alternative is to do local delivery from SOGo to a Postfix
for it doing relay with an authenticated user, but if there is another
alternative, I would listen.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

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