Hi there,

i've just updated to SOGo 2.3.2 on Debian Jessie 8.2 (Stable) and now I
am unable (with any user) to log into the web interface. Thunderbird and
EAS are still working with the same user accounts, no errors there.
I have a multi-domain setup and none of the domains (all connected to
the same samba4-dc/ldap) is able to login. I've tested differnt browsers
on different systems (Iceweasel, Firefox, Epiphany and Internet Explorer).

There are some other mailing list entries [1], but none of them could
solve my problem (neither restarting sogo/memcached) and I think my
settings are correct as they were working until the upgrade to 2.3.2

The log is telling me first "sucessful login" but then fails...

2015-09-16 22:11:10.922 sogod[19585] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector setObject:forKey: on NSNull !
2015-09-16 22:11:10.922 sogod[19585]   didn't set return value for type 'v'
Sep 16 22:11:10 sogod [19585]: SOGoRootPage successful login from
'(null) env=REMOTE_HOST' for user 'u...@domain.tld' - expire = -1  grace
= -1
Sep 16 22:11:11 sogod [19585]: (null) env=REMOTE_HOST "POST
/SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 200 27/60 0.137 - - 0
2015-09-16 22:11:11.035 sogod[19585] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
2015-09-16 22:11:11.035 sogod[19585] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
Sep 16 22:11:11 sogod [19585]: <0x0x7f4c94861660[SOGoWebAuthenticator]>
tried wrong password for user

my ldap setting is (all domains identical, just other filter settings):

SOGoUserSources = (
     type = ldap;
     id = domain.tld;
     CNFieldName = cn;
     UIDFieldName = mail;
     hostname = "ldap://x.x.x.x:389";;
     baseDN = "dc=domain,dc=local";
     bindDN = "serviceldap@domain.local";
     bindPassword = "passwd";
     bindFields = (mail);
     filter = "(objectClass='*' AND mail='*@domain.tld' AND
userAccountControl != 66050 OR objectClass='contact')";
     canAuthenticate = YES;
     isAddressBook = YES;
     displayName = "Globales Adressbuch";
     IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
     MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);
     MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings;
     mapping = {

Installed sope versions:

ii  libsope-appserver4.9             4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        SOPE application server libraries
ii  libsope-core4.9                  4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        Core libraries of the SOPE application server
ii  libsope-gdl1-4.9                 4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        GNUstep database libraries for SOPE
ii  libsope-ldap4.9                  4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        SOPE libraries for LDAP access
ii  libsope-mime4.9                  4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        SOPE libraries for MIME processing
ii  libsope-xml4.9                   4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        SOPE libraries for XML processing
ii  sope4.9-gdl1-mysql               4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        MySQL connector for SOPE's fork of the GNUstep database
ii  sope4.9-libxmlsaxdriver          4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64        XML Parser for SOPE's SAX engine

Anybody else with similar issues or knowledge how to solve ?

Best Regards



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