don't know if I should file bug reports for the v3 or do it here on list
as this is work in progress. So I'll just list the points here and file
a report if wanted later.


Week and Month views do not work (nothing happens if clicked). Tried
Firefox and Chromeium on Linux an Firefox on Windows

In the calendar view I can not deselect my own calendar with Firefox.
This works with chromium

The list view of the events (which I think takes up to much space and
should be optional) does not look good if a single event has a very long
title. The starting time and the description then overlap. Probably a
line break would be good here.

In the preferences the Email-> "Filter". If I want to edit a filter I
cant select all my folders eg SPAM is filtered to INBOX/SPAM but only
INBOX is selectable (Works in V2 of SOGo). IMAP separator Problem?

This is all I found so far.




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