On 09/28/2015 02:12 AM, Harold Fines wrote:
> ...using different user
> groups as "baseDN" to separate the users but I still end up with with
> "org.pri" as their mail address.
> Is it even possible to use different external domains in this setup and
> if so: how? I have yet to succeed in assigning/using a single external
> domain so any help with be highly appreciated :)

Hi Harold,

don't know if that helps, I don't use OpenChange but also Samba 4 (just
one domain "foo.bar") and I am hosting multiple (external) domains
selected by filters like this for each domain configuration:

filter = "(objectClass='*' AND mail='*@domain1.tld' AND
userAccountControl != 66050)";

and for other domains the same just the other mail domains:

filter = "(objectClass='*' AND mail='*@domain2.tld' AND
userAccountControl != 66050)";


for postfix there is just an ldap query filtering all addresses (one
filter for users, another for group membership -
see also this thread:

Never tried with different baseDNs, but why not just use "mail" as
identifier in SOGo and you're good to go ? I am using mail as identifier
in Dovecot and SOGo and it just works:

domain1.tld = {
  SOGoMailDomain = domain1.tld;
  SOGoUserSources = (
    type = ldap;
    id = domain1.tld;
    CNFieldName = cn;
    IDFieldName = mail;
    UIDFieldName = mail;
    hostname = "ldap://x.x.x.x:389 ";
    baseDN = "dc=foo,dc=bar";
    bindFields = (mail);
    filter = "(objectClass='*' AND mail='*@domain1.tld' AND
userAccountControl != 66050)";
    canAuthenticate = YES;
    isAddressBook = YES;
    IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;


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