
just a short question:

To use Outlook with SOGo I do need the samba/OpenChange features
installed? (Share calendars etc ...)

Can I use an existing Samba 4 AD installation for that? (Or add the sogo
samba as an member?)

BTW: Some information on http://wiki.sogo.nu/MS%20Outlook is outdated

E.g. iCal4OL is not sold anymore.

        Regards and thanks for feedback. Götz

Götz Reinicke

Tel. +49 7141 969 82420
E-Mail goetz.reini...@filmakademie.de

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Akademiehof 10
71638 Ludwigsburg

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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Jürgen Walter MdL
Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Wissenschaft,
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