Am 28.01.2016 um 16:18 Uhr schrieb Anna Christina Naß:
Am 28.01.2016 um 16:05 schrieb Marc Patermann:
When will the classic theme, that many users have requested in the last
months, be added?
The new "mobile first"-design may be nice to look at but it is painful
to work with on desktop computers.

if I understand correctly the new thing with 3.0 is the new WebGUI.
If you do not want it, stick with 2.3.x which is the same under the
hood, and have the well know WebGUI.

I can stick with the desktop-friendly version (v2) as long as it will
receive security updates and bug fixes.
And I hope this will last some time or I have to search for an
you can - as stated in this thread - offer both V2 GUI and V3 GUI and let the users choose (if it is not a support issue). Maybe over time V3 envolves and users like the V3 GUI more.

We don't use the WebGUI at all.



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