On 02/19/2016 07:20 PM, Mehdi Samani wrote:
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen

I run ZEG 3 on VMware machine and then I changed everything as following steps to have my own email (cfs-test.com) but still there is showing example.com, and when I try to send out it says "Can not send message: all recipients are invalid", while the recipient is correct.
Do you know what is the problem.
o Login as root (sudo -s)
o Stop the LDAP service:  root@sogo:~# service slapd stop
o Backup the existing LDAP Database: root@sogo:~# slapcat -v -l sogo_orig.ldif o Create a new LDAP data file: root@sogo:~# sed 's/example/<newdom>/g' sogo_orig.ldif > sogo_new.ldif
  where <newdom> is the new domain name (don't include the "<" ">")
o If you need to change ".com" use:
root@sogo:~# sed -e 's/example/<newdom>/g' -e 's/com/<new_gTLD>/g' sogo_orig.ldif > sogo_new.ldif
  again, <new_gTLD> is "org", "net", etc.
o If you need to add additional domain extensions (eg - newdom.org.ca), you'll need to edit
  the sogo_new.ldif file manually
o Edit the file: /etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/olcDatabase={1}hdb.ldif
and replace all "example" with your new domain name and replace "com" with the different gTLD if needed. Again, if you need additional domain extensions, you'll need to add those to this file. Finally, remove the "CRC" line (2nd line). If you don't you'll get an error during the
  LDAP import
o Remove (or rename) the existing LDAP database: root@sogo:~# rm -r /var/lib/ldap/*
o Import the new LDAP data file: root@sogo:~# slapadd -v -l sogo_new.ldif
    --> You should see *no* errors
o Change the ownership of the new LDAP database files (if not, LDAP won't run):
root@sogo:~# chown -R openldap: /var/lib/ldap
o Edit /etc/mailname and /etc/saslauthd.conf and replace "example" with the new domain o Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf -> Replace "example" in "myhostname" with the new domain o Edit /etc/postfix/people.ldap -> Replace "example" in "search_base" with the new domain
o Update GNUstep:
root@sogo:~# defaults write sogod SOGoTimeZone "<your_time_zone>"
    (eg - ~# defaults write sogod SOGoTimeZone "US/Pacific")
root@sogo:~# defaults write sogod SOGoMailDomain "<newdom>.com"
o Edit /home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults and replace all "example" entries
  with the new domain
o Reboot the ZEG and your new domain name is now in place. The "sogo1", "sogo2", and "sogo3" users are

Mehdi Samani
Challenge Financial Services
714.541.3400 x174
www.cfsnow.com --

(I am no expert)

"example.com" comes from the provisioning of Samba

You'll have to reprovision Samba (e.g. in "Outlook Configuration Guide") to change the domain name.

Caveat: You may also have to reprovision OpenChange (or make other changes)


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