On 15/04/16 07:51, Heiner Markert (mephi...@gmx.net) wrote:
For me it is *not* working.
Besides using TLS, I need to set
ldap server require strong auth = no
in order to get ldap auth working in sogo.
All other options of this smb parameter result in "strong(er) authentication required"-errors in sogo.log.

Any hints how to solve this?

I am carrying out testing later today ahead of Canonical's Samba 4.3.8 release for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

How did you issue a certificate to your Samba server (self-signed, signed by a PKI, another option)? Which options did you try in smb.conf?

I am planning to get my key certified by StartCom and use the following options in smb.conf:

    tls enabled  = yes
    tls keyfile  = tls/example.net.key
    tls certfile = tls/example.net.pem
    tls cafile   = tls/StartCom_Class_1_DV_Server_CA.pem
    tls priority = SECURE192:+SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0

Hope this helps someone out and I will report back once I have carried out testing here...

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