Assalam o Alaikum!

Dear Community members,
                       I have installed sogo 3.0.2 version on centos 7 
x86_64-bit with mail server configured on it using the following tutorial.
I am able to successfully configured the mail server now we want sogo as a 
mailexchanger an alternative to ms exchange server. In our scenario, we 
have a domain configured on windows server 2012 r2 like and on 
centos 7 we have a domain configured for mailserver. Now we want 
the users in active directory(ldap) to authenticate using sogo and 
mailserver to work with the domain in active directory( But i 
am confused how to make two different domains works because mail server is 
configured with and windows server with And sogo uses 
atleat one authentication source. Now in this scenario how to make sogo 
works? Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated. Anxiously 
waiting for your response.   


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