did you have a look at the logs of your incoming mta(s)?
i guess mails from the outside world are undeliverable because your incoming mta is not aware of pdup...@domain.com and therefore rejects mails.
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 at 4:58 PM
From: "\"Sylvain Nex\" (sylvain.n...@gmail.com)" <users@sogo.nu>
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: [SOGo] appointment reply address
Sorry but I need explain about how SOGo determine reply address for appointment notification.
Authentification is set with LDAP bindFields = (uid, mail)
Example with these LDAP data :
uid = pdupont
The reply address shown in sent appointment notifications is pdup...@domain.com, which is not exist.
With internal users, this is not a problem, reply are still correctly sent. But people from outside cannot answer.
I think I missed something. Thanks for your help.

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