Hi, I have sogo on a Debian GNU/Linux 8 x64
In sogo.conf

            id = sambaShared;            displayName = "Shared Addressbook";    
        canAuthenticate = NO;            isAddressBook = YES;            type = 
ldap;            //listRequiresDot = NO;            CNFieldName = cn;           
 IDFieldName = mail;            UIDFieldName = mail;            //bindFields = 
(cn, mail);            hostname = "ldap://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx";;            baseDN = 
"DC=xxx,DC=xxx";            bindDN = "cn=xxx,cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx";            
bindPassword = "xxx";            filter = "mail = '*'";
When i search in the shared addressbook in the sogo web interface, i get a:
sogod[xxxx] ERROR(-[NGLdapSearchResultEnumerator nextObject]): does not support 
result references yet ..EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x7f9f9549f660> 
NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:GSMutableArray(instance) does not 
recognize compareCaseInsensitiveAscending: INFO:(null)
How can I fix it?Thanks in advance.

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