Hi Thomas,

On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 01:00:51PM +0200 you wrote:

> >What should I expect?
> The command sogo-tool -v manage-eas  listfolders  USERID
> 80E5C294847E4A5C92B45A2DE9514008
> shows folder related data for ALL folders which are cached by EAS:
> [..]
> Folder Key:
> 80E5C294847E4A5C92B45A2DE9514008+folderb041fc102feae255ed2c00004efb9b64
>    Folder Name: INBOX
>    metadata Name: {DateCache = {597 = "2016-10-13 22:35:43 +0200"; };
> FolderOptions = {BodyPreferenceType = 4; FilterType = 5; MIMESupport = 2;
> MIMETruncation = 8; }; SyncCache = {597 = 279; }; SyncKey = "599-296";
> displayName = INBOX; }
> Folder Key:
> 80E5C294847E4A5C92B45A2DE9514008+folderb4ed12342789fe57f10d0000b47b4f0c
>    Folder Name: public/TestFolder1/abc1
>    metadata Name: {DateCache = {}; FolderOptions = {BodyPreferenceType = 4;
> FilterType = 5; MIMESupport = 2; MIMETruncation = 8; }; SyncCache = {};
> SyncKey = "1-1"; displayName = "public/TestFolder1/abc1"; }
> [..]

there is nothing like that displayed.

Perhaps dovecot configuration is problem?
The relevant parts from dovecot.conf are:

| namespace public {
|       prefix = "Public/"
|       location = 
|       inbox = no
|       list = no
| }

> The non-hierarchical view you describe is caused by the fact that not all
> folders are real folders. In that case EAS
> displays them like 
> public/fld1/fld2/fld3
> If you want to see them hierarchical you have to share also the intermediate
> folders:
> Public/fld1
> Public/fld1/fld2
> Public/fld1/fld2/fld3

I'll do that as soon as I see the cached folders. 
How do I config folder caching in Active Sync? Perhaps I missed

> I've some ideas to improve the behavior a bit. Do you compile from source?
> Are you able to test a patch? What sogo version are you using?

In toe moment I cannot test patches. I did not compile from source,
the version is 3.2.0. 

> But, in any case outlook synced via EAS should be able to show the folder
> content and it DOES it for me.
> Could you re-create the account in outlook and show me the response to
> FolderSync logged in sogo.log with
> SOGoEASDebugEnabled = YES.

We are going to try that. I'll report the result.

R. Cirksena 

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