
On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 03:55:14PM +0100 you wrote:

> Am 15.11.2016 um 14:16 schrieb Ralf Cirksena (c...@holmco.de):
> > Hello,
> > 
> > we need a setup covering assistant function for appointment planning.
> > It's one assistant working for three persons (P1, P2, P3).
> > 
> > She/he should be able: 
> > 
> > * to schedule appointments for any of the three persons,
> > 
> > * to schedule appointments for herself.
> > 
> > All in different calendars.
> > 
> > If she enters an appointment for, let's say, P1, the details should
> > look as P1 herself had done that work. Assistant *may* be visable as
> > "assistant" eg. scheduled by <assistant> for <P1>.
> > 
> > They are using MS-Outlook 2013 connected with ActiveSync and
> > Thunderbird connected with CalDAV. Server is SOGo 3.2.1.
> > 
> > What is nescessary to get that scenario working? I am pretty shure
> > that there must be a way.
> > 
> You have to share the calendars of P1..P3 with modify, delete and add
> privileges to the assistant.
> Then the assistant only adds those in Thunderbird/Lightning, and uses
> them as he likes.

Wæ did allow rw access for these calendars to the assistant.
I assume that's what you mean with "share".

> For ActiveSync the Assistant has to check the Option "Synchronize" in
> SOGo webinterface on every calendar he wants to see in Outlook.

I'll check that. Thank you.

R. Cirksena 

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