Hi guys,
I stuck on sieve features support. I would appreciate any help !!
Right now we are using Oracle Communications Messaging Server ,Oracle 
LDAP (Oracle Internet Direcotry) and Web interface from Oracle.
I want to start using SOGo in production for around 20k users. The thing
is I can't deal with Sieve features - holiday,filters and forwarding. In
Oracle when standard user(from ldap) is creating  e-mail filter via web
interface it's actually creating a new field in LDAP and saving there
appropriate rules (for example if e-mail is from example.com ->formward
e-mail to folder example).
 I know I can't map Oracle LDAP fields to fields in SOGO so how should I
configure Sieve Server (for example Dovecot) to keep using our Oracle
IMAP Server, process sieve features on my virtual machine where SOGO is
installed and save values in Oracle LDAP. I add that all E-mail
components like IMAP,LDAP,SOGo and so on are on different virtual
machines. Any clue will be appreciate!
Kind Regards


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