Thanks Steve !! Well spotted ! I reported it under 0004036 

Christian, unfortunately the user still has to subscribe manually to the 
resource. I wanted them (all users) to be subscribed as soon as they log in. 
That would be useful for a corporate calendar and/or shared company or 
department address book.

Thanks anyway. 


> On 15 Feb 2017, at 21:02, <> wrote:
> Just to let you know : I juste tried with 3.2.6a : same behaviour : right 
> pane empty.
> Should I open a bug report ?
> Matthieu
>> On 13 Feb 2017, at 22:50, 
>> <> < <>> wrote:
>> Thanks Christian,
>> My problem is that the rightmost pane looks empty : see attached picture (I 
>> hope I’m allowed to paste pictures here, in case not have a look at 
>> <>)
>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>> There is nothing except this Save button.
>> Bug ?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Matthieu
>>> On 13 Feb 2017, at 11:03, Christian Mack ( 
>>> <>) < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Am 12.02.2017 um 16:59 schrieb 
>>> <>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> First post here.
>>>> Sorry for resuscitating this old thread. Does those instruction apply
>>>> to the current version of Sogo (3.2) ? It looks like the UI has
>>>> changed, and it looks like nothing useful can be achieved when
>>>> opening the administration / rights page : when clicking on a user’s
>>>> resource, the right pane stays empty.
>>> You are right, the look and feel of the user interface has changed, but
>>> the process is really similar to the old one.
>>> 1) You still have to search for the user, but now in the middle column.
>>> 2) Click on her. This will show you her calendars and addressbooks below
>>> her name in the middle column.
>>> 3) Select the calendar or addressbook you want to change privileges on.
>>> 4) In the right most pane you will get the list of privileged users
>>> already defined for that resource.
>>> 5) Now you can add a new user by typing his account in the right most
>>> panes "Add User" field.
>>> 6) Select this new user and change her privileges.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Christian Mack
>>>>> On 08 Jan 2016, at 15:45, Christian Mack
>>>>> < <>> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> Am 06.01.2016 um 13:29 schrieb Jan Baumgart:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Is it possible to automatically add calendar subscriptions to new
>>>>>> users, who are using the web interface?
>>>>>> We have three public resource calendars for room booking, which
>>>>>> every user should have as "default" subscriptions.
>>>>>> I haven't found anything in the configuration manual, so this
>>>>>> feature is probably not implemented.
>>>>>> Maybe there is a safe way for the admin to manually add
>>>>>> subscriptions into the sql database for every user?
>>>>> 1) You need a user which is listed in SOGoSuperUsernames for the
>>>>> needed privileges. 
>>>>> 2) Login as this super user into the webinterface. 
>>>>> 3) Go to menu "Administration".
>>>>> 4) in the search field at the top right corner type the account
>>>>> name of your resource. 
>>>>> 5) in the result list open the resource account by pressing the
>>>>> plus sign before it.
>>>>> 6) double click on the resource calendar you want to add the
>>>>> additional user.
>>>>> 7) in the opening preferences list press the "Add..." icon 
>>>>> (the green plus one).
>>>>> 8) search for the user to add in the user search window
>>>>> 9) Select the one you want and press the "Add" button
>>>>> 10) close the user search window
>>>>> 11) double click the before added user in the privileges list.
>>>>> 12) set the privileges for that user
>>>>> 13) close the privileges window
>>>>> 14) set "subscribe user" for that user
>>>>> 15) close the priviliges list window
>>>>> When the user now logs in, he will have the resources calendar in
>>>>> his list.
>>> -- 
>>> Christian Mack
>>> Universität Konstanz
>>> Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
>>> Abteilung Basisdienste
>>> 78457 Konstanz
>>> +49 7531 88-4416
>>> -- 
>>> <>
>>> <>
>> -- 
>> <>
> -- 


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