Hello Albert,

which kind of sync issues?



Am 27.02.2018 um 17:11 schrieb "albert.solana" (albert.sol...@upcnet.es):
> Hello Stefan,
> Thanks for your information
> In our case, these apps
>       Caldav-sync 0.4.17
>       Caldav-sync 0.4.32
>       Davdroid
> are having sync issues with Huawei P8 Lite and P9 phones.
> We've tried to tweak the settings phones, disabling all saving battery
> settings to avoid caldav clients to be stopped, but sync issues
> reappears again.
> No issues with a Samsung Galaxy A5 phone (with similar disabled saving
> battery settings).
> El 20/02/18 a les 23:42, Stefan Klatt (stefan.kl...@cac-netzwerk.de)
> ha escrit:
>> Hello Albert,
>> caldav-sync 0.4.32 from dmfs works on my Android 7.1.1, Samsung Note
>> 8, with SOGo. I don't see any problems.
>> Regards
>> Stefan
>> Am 20.02.2018 um 20:23 schrieb "albert.solana" (albert.sol...@upcnet.es):
>>> Hello,
>>> this my first email to this list.
>>> This message is about an increased number of caldav sync issues
>>> appeared when our users tries to use Android mobile phones.
>>> It's not about SOGo, we still have users on old Horde 5 server (to
>>> be closed) and their users have caldav sync issues too.
>>> It seems are more issues on Android 7 than on 6 version with same
>>> caldav client versions installed on devices.
>>> Perhaps it's just bad luck: a bad combination of mobile phone,
>>> Android version, propietary UI and caldav client app.
>>> Have you noticed that?. Any experiences with caldav sync issues with
>>> Android 6 and specially on 7 version?
>>> Any caldav client app recomendation for Android devices?
>>> We've tested or are testing this caldav client apps
>>>       Kerio (last version, uses Caldav-sync)
>>>       Caldav-sync 0.4.17
>>>       Caldav-sync 0.4.32
>>>       Davdroid
>>> with several phone devices and we haven't still found a good
>>> combination without important sync issues (I know its complicated to
>>> get it, but we try).
>> -- 
>> *CaC, Computer and Communication*
>> Inhaber Stefan Klatt
>> End-2-End Senior Network Consultant
>> CISSP / CISM / ISO27001 Lead Implementer / TOGAF9
>> Badges: https://www.youracclaim.com/users/stefan-klatt
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>> Tel.: +49-(0)69-67808-900
>> Fax: +49-(0)69-67808-837
>> Email: stefan.kl...@cac-netzwerk.de
>> Profil: http://www.cac-netzwerk.de/profil
> -- 
> Atentament,
> ___________________________
> Albert Solana
> Service Orchestration
> UPCnet
> Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
> Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600
> -- 
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*CaC, Computer and Communication*
Inhaber Stefan Klatt
End-2-End Senior Network Consultant
CISSP / CISM / ISO27001 Lead Implementer / TOGAF9
Badges: https://www.youracclaim.com/users/stefan-klatt
Triftstrasse 9
60528 Frankfurt
USt-IdNr.: DE260461592

Tel.: +49-(0)172-6807809
Tel.: +49-(0)69-67808-900
Fax: +49-(0)69-67808-837
Email: stefan.kl...@cac-netzwerk.de
Profil: http://www.cac-netzwerk.de/profil

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