On 2/6/19 10:36 PM, Odhiambo Washington" (odhia...@gmail.com) wrote:
The output does not really help me figure it out:

root@waridi:/usr/home/wash # ldd /usr/local/GNUstep/Local/Tools/Admin/sogod
        libgnustep-base.so.1.26 => /usr/local/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/libgnustep-base.so.1.26 (0x804400000)
        libgnustep-base.so.1.25 => /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/libgnustep-base.so.1.25 (0x805e00000)

Quite understandable.  Shared library conflicts are difficult to troubleshoot.  I really highly recommend rpm-based systems as they prevent a lot of those issues.

In your case, you've managed to install two different versions of libgnustep-base, which will lead to undefined behavior.  Crashes in your case.  You need to figure out how that happened, and reverse whatever change introduced the copy that you don't want.

Or start over on a clean system.  If you've automated your deployment, that option should be trivial and preferred.


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