I apologise if I am posting this in the wrong location, I have spent some time 
on forums and can't find the correct topic to search. 

We have recently installed SOGo and are still in the teething stage. One of our 
primary concerns at present is that when a user emails to a group list say 
"everyone@domain..." and I then decide to "reply to sender only" the email 
address that replies is "Pete everyone@domain..." 

This becomes quite a privacy conern because if the original poster replies to 
this reply, it is then sent out to the entire group again. 
I do note that when you hit "reply to sender only" you are able to click a 
dropdown box to change your email address, however this is combersome and 
fraught for failure. Is there a way we can set up the "reply to sender only" to 
ensure your personal email address is used and not that of whichever group you 
are replying from?

Thank you in advance for your time


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