On Sun Jun 09 2019 19:38:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time), H
(age...@meddatainc.com) <users@sogo.nu> wrote:
> I am also using the Lightning plugin which is why I decided not to
> update beyond the version of TB I am currently running.

Not sure what you mean...

You cannot have Calendars without Lightning - it is what provides the
calendar functionality.

> Beyond the value of having the calendar/task lists in a separate
> window using Lightning, it seems the problem above is ls slightly
> alleviated compared to not using Lightning.

I used to think I preferred having the calendar in a separate window,
but resigned myself to having it in a tab when the update that changed
that happened.

Now, I prefer it in a tab.

I don't think that preference is a good enough reason to stick with an
unsupported version of Thunderbird, but that is up to you.

> I have ca 65 calendars/task lists

How many calendars, and how many task lists?

Either way, I hope you understand, that is a huge number, and the super
vast majority of users do not have anywhere close to that many, the vast
majority probably have less than 6.

> and some of them also do not update - at all/never. I have tried
> removing them and then re-adding but this makes no difference. The
> server back-end is owncloud and my Android phones and tablet have no
> problem synchronizing all calendars/tasks lists against the owncloud
> back-end wherefore I believe the problem is with TB/SOGo.

The problem is with Thunderbird.

This is a known issue, and one that is not easily fixable, because it
has to do with the underlying non-threaded code.

> - Why is the e-mail functionality of TB blocked while calendars/task
> lists are being updated?

Because everything works on one thread, and the calendar code is not
written to throttle itself when working.

> - How can I investigate why/how some calendars/task lists are not
> being updated?

It is likely a bug related to the huge number of calendars you have, but
one that is unlikely to be specifically addressed, but may be fixed
if/when the underlying code is rewritten.

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