
After further tests I got the following error in the sogo.log

Aug 19 10:34:46 sogod [1069]: [ERROR] UIxPreferences Incomplete 
calendar_category_labels for translation English

Uncommenting the option SOGoCalendarCategories in the sogo.conf did the trick and the preferences page works again.

Still a bit unhappy about how it handles the error and not clear why exactly it appears. We defined some calendar categories but no matching colors.

Kind regards,
Thomas Winterstein

On 8/9/19 11:14 AM, Philip Fuchs (philip.fu...@rz.uni-augsburg.de) wrote:
Hi Christian,

Am 07.08.19 um 15:01 schrieb Christian Mack

Am 07.08.19 um 13:20 schrieb Philip Fuchs (philip.fu...@rz.uni-augsburg.de):

I recently installed the new SOGo version 4.0.8 on one of our
webservers. Since then I always get a blank page when visiting the
preferences page. No matter which OS or Browser I use.

Which error messages do you get in your sogo.log ?

I get the following message in the sogo.log:

"GET /SOGo/so/xxx/Preferences HTTP/1.1" 501 0/0 0.030 - - 0

Thomas Winterstein

Universität Augsburg
86135 Augsburg

Telefon 0821/598-2068
Telefax 0821/598-2028

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