Hi Pavel,
I use the admin credentials from the sieve server.
The content of de file is: user:password

​Daniel Carlos Silva

DTE/SRE/GRE – Gerência de Redes
Tel.: (31) 3339-1287
Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação do Estado de Minas Gerais – PRODEMGE
Aviso: Esta mensagem é destinada exclusivamente para a(s) pessoa(s) a quem é 
dirigida, podendo conter informação sigilosa e legalmente protegida. O uso 
impróprio será tratado conforme as normas da empresa e a legislação em vigor. 
Caso não seja o destinatário, favor notificar o remetente, ficando proibidas a 
utilização, divulgação, cópia e distribuição Em Sexta, Agosto 30, 2019 08:58 
-03, "Pavel Fibich" (pavel.fib...@prf.jcu.cz) <users@sogo.nu> escreveu:Hi 
Christian and Daniel, thank you for pointing me to sogo-tool, I will create a 
script that will read ~/.forward, and serve it to sogo-tool. It looks like that 
it is doing exactly what I need, to fill users's sieve and Sogo database (I 
have also users that do not use web interface). I have just one problem, 
running sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults pfibich Forward 
'{"forwardAddress": ["pavel.fib...@gmail.com"], "enabled": 1, "keepCopy": 1}' 
...2019-08-30 12:11:43.248 sogo-tool[14204:14204] To update Sieve scripts, you 
must provide the "-p credentialFile" parameter
2019-08-30 12:11:43.248 sogo-tool[14204:14204] Error updating sieve script, not 
updating database I do not know credentials of individuals users, so from 
https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Authentication/MasterUsers I have understand that I 
should create some master user in Dovecot and use it in sogo-tools's 
credentialFile. Is it so, do you have any recommendation for Dovecot settings, 
or I am missing something? Best, Pavel  On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 8:42 PM "Daniel 
Carlos Silva" <users@sogo.nu> wrote:Hi Pavel,
when I moved to sogo, I used a php script to read each user sieve configs fom 
tine mail mysql database and insert in sogo using sogo-tools.

  Em Quinta, Agosto 29, 2019 11:08 -03, "Pavel Fibich" 
(pavel.fib...@prf.jcu.cz) <users@sogo.nu> escreveu:Dear Sogo developers,

thank you for your great work and I would like to ask you, if there is any way 
how to force Sogo 4.0.8 to read ~/sieve/sogo.sieve instead of fetching it from 

Basically, I am moving old mail server (allowing users to specify forwarding in 
~/.forward file and serving hundreds of users) to new one with Sogo and I must 
deal with forwarding too. Leaving .forward works, but users can not edit it. I 
can create script that transforms .forward to sogo.sieve, but if I try it, Sogo 
does not read such file, but rather fetch it from database. Do you have any 
idea how to solve such problem?

Best regards, Pavel --

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