On 25.09.2019 09:38, Christian Mack (christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de) wrote:
Am 24.09.19 um 17:09 schrieb Florian Unger (florian.un...@intego.de):
I am currently testing the Sogo 4 webinterface.
On my first tests there was just a plain mail envelope symbol and
suddenly this arrow appeared

and now I am wondering what the meaning of the red arrow on the mail
symbol is?

It says "Hello, you got new email(s)" ;-)

That was also my first thought, but I was unsure because the arrow is pointing outwards, so I thought it might have to do with outgoing mail.
And also the icon does not change back to normal when there are no unread mails.

Best regards

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


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