Office 365 still supports ActiveSync. Nothing changed there. The
Administrator of a Office 365 tenant however is able to disable EAS for
his instance. So that could have happened.


On 13.11.2019 13:26, mj ( wrote:

Recently a user came to us, asking dor help configuring her outlook
with SOGo / ActiveSync.

Turned out that our instructions no longer work for office365, as they
seem to have removed ActiveSync support..? (or at least the
configuration part of it?)

Are we missing something, or is this really the case? And of course
next: how do you guys here solve this new problem..?

Is this the way to go: combined with

Or is there a way to make outlook365 *still* do regular ActiveSync?

Life was so good when SOGo started supporting ActiveSync as a method
to access mails and calendar like exchange...


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