Dear Matthias,
Good day again,
We have found the solution at the below path:


Change the code as per below:

this.login = function() {
var checkStr = "";
if (r.creds.username.includes(checkStr)){
return r.loginState = "authenticating",
a.login(r.creds).then(function(o) {
o.gamissingkey ? r.loginState = "googleauthenticatorcode" : (r.loginState = 
"logged", =,
t(function() {
n.location.href === o.url ? n.location.reload(!0) : n.location.href = o.url
}, 1e3))
}, function(o) {
r.loginState = "error",
r.errorMessage = o.error
} else {
return r.loginState = "error", r.errorMessage = o.error;

Thanks for your time!
Best regards,
From: <> on behalf of Pou Pas Kale 
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 8:56 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Restrict Web Access at SOGo from specific User - Domain

Dear Mathias,
Good day,
Many thanks for our feedback. The authantication we are using is under 
Postgress SQL . Could you please send me an example from your below suggestions 
about "authView" & "add a dedicated column"?
Many thanks again for your feedback.
Best regards,

From: <> on behalf of Matthias Kneer 
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 1:16 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Restrict Web Access at SOGo from specific User - Domain


> If we tried to login to
> an email account with the other domain (, then the system
> should not proceed. Your assistance is highly appreciated.

What kind of authentication / user backend are you using?

If you are using SQL, you just have to modify your authView to only
return users of domain You could also add a dedicated column to
your mail users table like "sogoLogin" and only return users in your
view where "sogoLogin" is true / 1.

If you are using LDAP, there's an specific example in the installation
guide ( under
"5.4. Authentication using LDAP".

> the following filter to return only entries belonging to the
> organization Inverse with a mail address and not inactive:
> filter = "(o='Inverse' AND mail='*' AND status <> 'inactive')";

This can of course be specifically altered to your requirements.

- Matthias

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