
you should ask your local admin to disable the 2FA from your settings, this can be achieved using something like:

sudo -u sogo /usr/sbin/sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults YOURLOGIN SOGoGoogleAuthenticatorEnabled '{"SOGoGoogleAuthenticatorEnabled":0}'

As a side note, we had a lot of students doing this and we ended masking totally this functionnality from the UI for almost no one did it on purpose... I reckon a kind of explicit pop-up warning or smthg similar should help to avoid this unfortunate situation

Le 02/06/2021 à 16:28, Savannah Oliver (savannah.o0...@gmail.com) a écrit :
Hello, I have a student account for Luzerne County Community College and I accidentally signed up for the 2sv with google authenticator but it never asked me to set anything else up. So now when I try to sign in it's asking for the 6-didgit code from the Google Authenticator app, but I don't have one because I never set my email up with it. Am I able to get back into my account?

Daniel Le Bray :: CRI :: Pôle Systèmes et Réseaux
daniel.le-b...@univ-lehavre.fr :: +33 (0)2 32 74 42 94
Universite Le Havre Normandie
25 rue Philippe Lebon, BP1123, 76063 Le Havre Cedex, France
J'accepte les emails VSRE (http://vsre.info/index_fr.html)

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