
> FN:Jim & Joe Blow
> displayname: Jim & Joe Blow
must be set.

As that is the case, the only unusual thing is
> CATEGORIES:Imported on 8/28,myContacts

Do you really have a category "Imported on 8/28"?
I never tried a category with a "/" character in it.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 14.07.21 um 00:57 schrieb Gregory Sloop (gr...@sloop.net):
> I think so...
> So, I'm using the web ui of SOGo to look at a (one example) contact that 
> displays in MacOS's address book, and in SOGo - but not in iOS.
> I'm going to sanitize the data, since this is a real contact.
> I get this by using the "view raw source" item in SOGo.
> FN:Jim & Joe Blow
> N:Blow;Jim & Joe
> EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:jim...@somedomain.com
> TEL;TYPE=HOME:509-123-4567
> TEL;TYPE=CELL:510-123-4567
> ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;101 Joe Blow Dr;San Lorenzo;CA;94580;us;101 Joe Blow Dr\,San 
> Lo
>  renzo\,CA\,us\, 94580\,United States
> NOTE:Mobile Phone: 510-123-4567\n
> CATEGORIES:Imported on 8/28,myContacts
> UID:40-60BFBB00-23-E8D87C0
> (I think FN is the display name (full name) - though I can't find a fields 
> definition anywhere...)
> I'm not sure what UID is, though I suspect it's a hash of the SOGo user ID 
> and the ID of this particular contact. But I assume there's nothing in that 
> that should raise an issue.
> Dumping the record as an LDIF is somewhat different...
> LDIF dump from SOGo web UI
> ---
> dn: cn=Jim & Joe Blow,mail=jim...@somedomain.com
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> objectClass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha
> description:: TW9iaWxlIFBob25lOiA1MTAtNDYxLTc0MjkK
> st: CA
> displayname: Jim & Joe Blow
> mozillahomepostalcode: 94580
> mail: jim...@somedomain.com
> c: us
> vcardcategories: Imported on 8/28
> vcardcategories: myContacts
> sn: Adams
> homephone: 509-123-4567
> mozillahomestate: CA
> postalcode: 94580
> mobile: 510-123-4567
> givenname: Jim & Joe
> l: San Lorenzo
> mozillahomecountryname: us
> mozillahomelocalityname: San Lorenzo
> mozillahomestreet: 101 Joe Blow Dr
> street: 101 Joe Blow Dr
> ---
> Is there anything useful there that might help steer me closer to identifying 
> the issue?
> -Greg
>> Hello
>> Do all your addresses have a display name set?
>> Kind regards,
>> Christian Mack
>> Am 11.07.21 um 20:40 schrieb Gregory Sloop (gr...@sloop.net):
>>> Anyone? 
>>> Even general hints at where I might start would be appreciated!
>>>> So, I've got a setup where I migrated an addressbook from Google/Gmail 
>>>> into sogo. (Exported the contacts from Google and imported that export 
>>>> file into that users' contact list.)
>>>> I've got a MacOS client, iOS client and the Sogo web-front end all 
>>>> pointing at the same sogo/carddav contact list.
>>>> Changes (add/delete/modify) on any of the clients (MacOS, iOS, Web) all 
>>>> are reflected in all the views - so I know all are pointing at the same 
>>>> contacts list.
>>>> On the MacOS and Web (sogo) clients, all contacts show fine (are all 
>>>> visible).
>>>> However on iOS, some contacts are simply missing.
>>>> If I were to guess, there's some field that has a value that's causing 
>>>> those records to be suppressed on the iOS client. (But no errors at all 
>>>> from the iOS device.)
>>>> But I have absolutely NO idea how to go about troubleshooting this.
>>>> I don't have a complete list of all missing contacts - though I have 
>>>> identified one - so at least I have an example to work from. (If you have 
>>>> any ideas about how to do this via script or programmatically that would 
>>>> be fab. But it's not as important as figuring out what's going wrong.)
>>>> So, anyone have good ideas about how you'd go about running this down? 
>>>> (The more detailed the better, because I'm way out of my depth here.)
>>>> If it matters, I'm using Sogo as configured into Mailcow.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -Greg

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung IT-Dienste Forschung und Lehre
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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