Hi Emmanuel

> On Jul 13, 2021, at 05:07, Emmanuel Dreyfus <users@sogo.nu> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:40:34AM +0200, Christian Mack wrote:
>> Don't do it.
> Too late :-)
>> There are several changes involved.
>> Check the database upgrade scripts in /usr/share/doc/sogo/sql-update-3*
>> for examples.
> I did not run them.
>> Also some settings respective their values have changed.
> Is there a list somewere? I ran 4.0.1 for 48 hours, a few users have 
> worked on it, but it seems everything is working without a hitch 
> after downgrading to 2.4.1. What damage should I search for?

You can safely run the latest versions of v2 and v5 with the same database.


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