Thanks Christian and Emmanuel!

Thanks for your help, I will see what I can find!


On 8/3/21 5:04 PM, Christian Mack ( wrote:

Am 03.08.21 um 13:41 schrieb mj (
Hi Emmanuel,

On 02/08/2021 14:17, Emmanuel Dreyfus ( wrote:

I guess the problem is that RFC822 format is Sat, Jul 10 2021 11:56:18

Yes you are right. But the question remains: where does this faulty date
in the system come from, and how to get it out.

Because even though the faulty date is juli 10, still today my sogo is
trying to process it, and fails and complains about the format.

(and two minutes later tries again)

I also have a similar one from July 3.

RFC822 is specifying the email format.
Therefore that date originates from an email in the users postbox.
Everytime SOGo parses that email, you get that error message.
The only way to get rid of it is to delete that email.

And yes, whoever/whatever program wrote that email should get publicly
blamed for not knowing how to generate a valid email.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


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