as i understand:
truncating table = emty the table but keep the table
drop tape = throw the table away.

As the tabel definition (length of a field) has changed truncating the table 
will not work
becaus on startup sogo checks if the table exists. If yes (that's in your case) 
nothing is done.
In case it does not exist it will be crated (with the new definitions).
So you have to drop the table.

An additional way of update check would have been to add the check of field 
length and
in case it is not fine then expanding the field. But it is not up to me to 
judge that.

Btw. i tried both and the upgrade to 5.6.0 still does not work on my system...


Am Montag, Mai 09, 2022 10:55 CEST, schrieb "Adi Kriegisch" 
(a...@cg.tuwien.ac.at) <users@sogo.nu>:

> > proxy_buffer_size 8k; proxy_buffers 4 64k
> Is there an equivalent for this in apache? Since we upgraded to 5.6.0 we
> suffer the same problem, though apache doesnt report any errors. We also
> truncated (not dropped) the sogo_sessions_folder table before starting
> 5.6.0.
> Any Ideas?
I have no idea; apache's documentation[1] says that the default for
LimitRequestFieldSize is 8190 (which is 2 bytes below 8k) but should be
sufficient anyways... As I have no clue about the intera of apache, this
might also be the wrong directive. There might be additional settings
for the proxy module...
Maybe some apache expert is listening? :)

-- Adi

[1] https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#limitrequestfieldsize



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