
Mailinglists are not part of SOGo.
Therefore you have to ask on iRedMail Forums where those Groups (or address lists) where coming from.
Perhaps they included another SOGoUserSources entry with those?

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 13.07.22 um 12:53 schrieb jean-lou Schmidt (webmes...@hespul.org):

First, I'm new to SOGo, so excuse me if my question seems strange or anything weird to you.

I'm using iRedMail with SOGo and since the last upgrade (from version 2022031601 to version 2022052001), my mailing lists are not considered as group in SOGo.

Before the upgrade, when I invited a mailing list's mail in a event, SOGo expanded the atendees list with all members. Now the list is seen as a normal single mail.

Here is a group in my ldap (that did not change with the upgrade):

objectClass: mailList
mtaTransport: mlmmj:komunomo.fr/adminsys
mailingListID: 93208cdf-ad90-422f-b402-430f22607cbd
enabledService: mail
enabledService: deliver
enabledService: mlmmj
enabledService: displayedInGlobalAddressBook
cn:; Liste Admin Système
accountStatus: active
accessPolicy: public
member:mail=charles.de-laco...@komunomo.fr,ou=Users,domainName=komunomo.fr,o=domains,dc=komunomo,dc=fr member:mail=david.va...@komunomo.fr,ou=Users,domainName=komunomo.fr,o=domains,dc=komunomo,dc=fr member:mail=jean-lou.schm...@komunomo.fr,ou=Users,domainName=komunomo.fr,o=domains,dc=komunomo,dc=fr

How can I fix this ?

Jean-Lou Schmidt

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung IT-Dienste Forschung und Lehre
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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