On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 11:23:46AM +0300, gtg2...@rambler.ru wrote:
> The list of sent and received emails in the web interface shows the wrong
> time (UTC), should be (UTC+3)

What version is your timezone file? file(1) can tell:
$ file /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Moscow                                       
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Moscow: timezone data, version 2, no gmt time flags, 
no std time flags, no leap seconds, no transition times, 1 abbreviation char

gnustep-base did not support v2+. I contributed the code for that and it was
accepted, but there has not been any release wth it yet. If you are hit
by the problm, a workaround can be to remplace your timezone file by
a v1 copy from an earlier OS release. That will not fix events that
have been inserted from the web interface with the v2 file: the wrong
data is in database now.

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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