Hi everyone



We are trying to forward all emails coming to specific mail address to be
forwarded as attachment (eml).


When I login to Sogo with that specific email address, and in email
preferences set prefer forward method to attachment, whatever email I
manually forward from Sogo UI, it is forwarded as attachment. So that part
is working correctly.


But when I go to Forward section of preferences and set all incoming emails
to be forwarded to some other internal address, it is forwarded inline.


Then I thought that maybe system-level preferences in sogo.conf are needed
to be set for it to work, so I modified SOGoMailMessageForwarding in
sogo.conf to be "attached".

Restarted sogo daemon, but it didn't help. Emails are still forwarded


I also tried setting forwarding with filters, same thing.


Is there a way to accomplish it?








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