
If you are using Apache in front, maybe you can try to increase timeout as explained here : https://serverfault.com/questions/948312/apache-reverse-proxy-timeout-in-60-seconds

We use Apache in front, but this timeout occurs when SOGo fetches the calendar from the CalDAV server. So it’s IMHO a timeout in SOGo. We now take a look why the CalDAV server needs more than 20 secs to deliver the data to SOGo.


Le Vendredi, Juin 23, 2023 09:42 CEST, "Frank Richter" (frank.rich...@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) <users@sogo.nu> a écrit:

when users subscribe to web calendars (CalDAV) we see timeouts, when the
CalDAV server answers too slow:

Jun 23 09:27:11 sogod [2125260]:
<0x5574f1f944d0[SOGoWebAppointmentFolder]:206DCC-64954980-19-3E98F2C0> Load
web calendar https://….tu-chemnitz.de/users/…/calendar/ (401)
Jun 23 09:27:39 sogod [2125260]: [ERROR]
<0x5574f190c590[SOGoWebAppointmentFolder]:206DCC-64954980-19-3E98F2C0> CURL
error while accessing https://….tu-chemnitz.de/users/…/calendar/ (28):
Operation timed out after 20000 milliseconds with 229376 bytes received

Is this timeout value configurable in SOGo?

Frank Richter
Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany

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